Price list

Price list

Days Open-Space Indoor-Parking Valet-Open-Space Valet-Indoor-Parking
119,00 €42,00 €28,00 €49,00 €
220,00 €45,00 €29,00 €52,00 €
324,00 €47,00 €32,00 €54,00 €
426,00 €49,00 €35,00 €59,00 €
527,00 €53,00 €36,00 €63,00 €
628,00 €55,00 €38,00 €65,00 €
729,00 €57,00 €43,00 €67,00 €
830,00 €59,00 €45,00 €69,00 €
934,00 €62,00 €51,00 €72,00 €
1037,00 €67,00 €54,00 €77,00 €
1144,00 €71,00 €61,00 €81,00 €
1255,00 €94,00 €74,00 €104,00 €
1372,00 €104,00 €84,00 €114,00 €
1487,00 €119,00 €99,00 €129,00 €
15109,00 €129,00 €114,00 €144,00 €
16119,00 €144,00 €129,00 €159,00 €
17134,00 €159,00 €144,00 €174,00 €
18149,00 €174,00 €159,00 €189,00 €
19164,00 €189,00 €174,00 €204,00 €
20179,00 €204,00 €189,00 €219,00 €
21189,00 €219,00 €204,00 €234,00 €
22204,00 €234,00 €219,00 €249,00 €
23219,00 €249,00 €234,00 €264,00 €
24234,00 €264,00 €249,00 €279,00 €
25249,00 €279,00 €264,00 €294,00 €
26264,00 €294,00 €279,00 €309,00 €
27279,00 €309,00 €294,00 €324,00 €
28294,00 €324,00 €309,00 €339,00 €
(All information in EURO and incl. 16% VAT.) All information without guarantee and subject to change.
Days Open-Space Indoor-Parking Valet-Open-Space Valet-Indoor-Parking
120,00 €50,00 €30,00 €100,00 €
225,00 €70,00 €40,00 €110,00 €
328,00 €80,00 €45,00 €115,00 €
429,00 €85,00 €50,00 €120,00 €
530,00 €90,00 €55,00 €125,00 €
631,00 €100,00 €60,00 €130,00 €
733,00 €110,00 €65,00 €135,00 €
835,00 €120,00 €70,00 €140,00 €
940,00 €130,00 €75,00 €150,00 €
1050,00 €140,00 €80,00 €160,00 €
1155,00 €160,00 €140,00 €170,00 €
1260,00 €170,00 €150,00 €180,00 €
1380,00 €180,00 €160,00 €190,00 €
14120,00 €190,00 €170,00 €200,00 €
15170,00 €200,00 €180,00 €210,00 €
16180,00 €210,00 €190,00 €220,00 €
17190,00 €220,00 €200,00 €230,00 €
18200,00 €230,00 €210,00 €240,00 €
19210,00 €240,00 €220,00 €250,00 €
20220,00 €250,00 €230,00 €260,00 €
21230,00 €260,00 €240,00 €270,00 €
22240,00 €270,00 €250,00 €280,00 €
23250,00 €280,00 €260,00 €290,00 €
24260,00 €290,00 €270,00 €300,00 €
25270,00 €300,00 €280,00 €310,00 €
26280,00 €310,00 €290,00 €320,00 €
27290,00 €320,00 €300,00 €330,00 €
28300,00 €330,00 €310,00 €340,00 €
(All information in EURO and incl. 16% VAT.) All information without guarantee and subject to change.

Days Open-Space Indoor-Parking Valet-Open-Space Valet-Indoor-Parking
125,00 €50,00 €40,00 €100,00 €
230,00 €60,00 €45,00 €110,00 €
335,00 €70,00 €50,00 €115,00 €
445,00 €80,00 €60,00 €120,00 €
550,00 €100,00 €70,00 €125,00 €
655,00 €110,00 €80,00 €130,00 €
760,00 €115,00 €85,00 €135,00 €
865,00 €120,00 €90,00 €140,00 €
975,00 €125,00 €95,00 €145,00 €
1085,00 €130,00 €100,00 €150,00 €
1190,00 €135,00 €110,00 €155,00 €
12100,00 €140,00 €120,00 €160,00 €
13110,00 €150,00 €145,00 €170,00 €
14120,00 €160,00 €155,00 €180,00 €
15130,00 €170,00 €165,00 €190,00 €
16140,00 €180,00 €175,00 €200,00 €
17150,00 €190,00 €185,00 €210,00 €
18160,00 €200,00 €195,00 €220,00 €
19170,00 €210,00 €205,00 €230,00 €
20200,00 €220,00 €215,00 €240,00 €
21210,00 €230,00 €225,00 €250,00 €
22220,00 €240,00 €235,00 €260,00 €
23230,00 €250,00 €245,00 €270,00 €
24240,00 €260,00 €255,00 €280,00 €
25250,00 €270,00 €265,00 €290,00 €
26260,00 €280,00 €275,00 €300,00 €
27270,00 €290,00 €285,00 €310,00 €
28280,00 €300,00 €295,00 €320,00 €
(All information in EURO and incl. 16% VAT.) All information without guarantee and subject to change.